In recent years, much research has come to the surface showing the potential risks of solvents. These solvents contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that harm people, animals, and the environment. For this reason, many industries have reduced or eliminated the use of solvent-based products, including oil paints. They are now using eco-friendly water-based polyurethane products with low VOCs for the same purposes.

Exposure to Solvent-Based Products

Products like paints, glue, polishes, paint thinners, coatings, etc., contain solvents to form a durable solution. These solvents or VOCs react with the natural gases in the environment and release toxins. Those who work or live around these VOCs are at the risk of inhaling the toxic fumes, which leads to severe health problems.

Besides paints, solvents are present in everyday products like cleaning solutions or detergents. Exposure to these harmful substances can result in short and long-term health and environmental consequences.

Health Risks of Solvents

Most times, people feel dizzy or nauseous around the smell of paint; it’s because of these fumes. They enter your nervous system, and prolonged exposure can damage the tissues and organs of your body. There are risks of developing respiratory issues, asthma, dermatitis, kidney issues, and even cancer.

Research shows that repeatedly prolonged exposure to solvents leaves lasting effects on health. It can also cause cognitive decline, such as memory loss, attention and speed issues, etc. Short-term exposure to solvent fumes can cause dizziness, nausea, headache, disorientation, rashes, respiratory irritation, allergies, or eye irritation.

Environmental Effects of VOCs

Besides health risks, VOCs are also quite dangerous for the environment. VOCs have a low boiling point and easily react to warm temperatures and sunlight; they mix with natural gases and produce ground-level ozone.

Ground-level ozone can affect animals, plants, vegetation, and structures. This substance also contributes to greenhouse emissions and causes global warming.

Waste mismanagement and poor disposal practices cause solvents to enter the environment. Many make the mistake of pouring solvents into the ground while discarding them without realizing that they are non-biodegradable; they don’t evaporate like water and last for decades. Solvents contaminate the land and groundwater and cause many hazards for places with shallow soil levels. This may lead to individuals drinking or using contaminated water and facing adverse effects.

Solvents can also enter into structures, buildings, and underground systems from the soil. This way, they contaminate a building’s indoor atmosphere through vapor intrusion.

Switch to Waterborne Polyurethanes

A research scientist

To counteract these effects, SIWO US Inc. manufactures waterborne polyurethane products. We are a research-based company specializing in developing and testing eco-friendly polyurethanes free from harmful toxins.

Due to our commitment to sustainability, we steer clear of solvent-based products to eliminate environmental and health risks. Our aqueous polyurethane dispersions are highly versatile and can be used for construction, metal, plastic, furniture, flooring, water-based synthetic leather, etc.

If you’re looking for a less toxic and more eco-friendly substitute, our waterborne polyurethane are ideal for all kinds of coating applications. Explore our products for sale or contact us.