Waterborne Polyurethanes Cambodia

Canada is part of G8’s leading industrialized economies in the world. As one of the ten largest developed economies, the Canadian manufacturing sector plays an integral role in its economic development.

Its chemical, plastic, automotive, textile, and machinery industries have grown due to its international trade relationships across the globe. Most Canadian manufacturers are always on the lookout for a sustainable and durable material to extend product lifespan and quality. That’s where businesses need water-based polyurethane and that’s where we come in!

Why Should You Opt For Waterborne Polyurethane?

Whether you’re a small wood flooring business or an automotive industry looking to improve automobile interior, you need polyurethane for insulation, quality improvements, and reduced environmental hazard.

Our waterborne polyurethane offers it all! It has become a core component of industrial coating and adhesives for building insulation, refrigerators, automotive interior, leather, shoes, textile, and many other products. Siwo US’s waterborne polyurethane will help you reduce carbon and solvent emissions so you can become a responsible global citizen.

Waterborne Polyurethane by Siwo US

We’re a water-based polyurethane manufacturer and supplier in Canada, the US, China, and Japan among many other major countries. As global suppliers to different businesses, our goal is to personalize and customize products for different clients.

We don’t use a one-size-fits-all strategy and understand the changing industry dynamics. Since our inception in 1995, we have delivered top-of-the-line waterborne polyurethane products to the leather, textile, construction, automotive, wood flooring, and shoe industries to name a few.

Clients use our waterborne polyurethane products to increase the flexibility, longevity, compatibility, and aging resistance of their products. By using our PUD products, you get to eliminate health and environmental hazards and improve the quality of your adhesives and coatings.

Our Specialized Approach

As industry leaders and professionals, we follow a stringent development process for each product.

Research & Development

Our researchers study the market for trends and gather evidence-based data before manufacturing polyurethane products.

Testing Procedure

We have multiple productions and testing laboratories for thorough testing. We make sure each product is tested for quality before it is delivered to our clients. Any slight mishap can cause chemical irregularities and so we deliver only accurately tested products.

Quality Assurance

Our thorough testing process goes hand-in-hand with quality assurance to cover all the bases. We assure premium quality products because our quality assurance team has razor-sharp focus on any irregularities.


Throughout our production, testing, formulation, and delivery process, we eliminate wasteful operations. Our sustainable practices reduce waste, redundant activities and reduce carbon emission using greener technologies.

Our team is here to design customized waterborne polyurethanes for coatings, synthetic leather, textile, and more. Get your hands on our products today by contacting us.

High-Quality Waterborne Polyurethanes
That You Can Trust

Put Your Project First. We’ll Help Transform It Into a Success!

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